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Postdoctoral position in translational regulation and small ORFs in Arabidopsis ABA signaling

作家相片: ntuipbntuipb

Job Summary

An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Polly Hsu’s laboratory at Michigan State University to investigate translational regulation and novel translated small ORFs in Arabidopsis abscisic acid (ABA) signaling.


ABA is an essential hormone regulating plant tolerance to major stressors, including drought, salinity, and extreme temperature. In anticipation of climate change and increasing demand for food, there is an urgent need to understand how ABA controls plant tolerance to stress and develop crops with faster responses and enhanced resilience. At the cellular level, these responses can be controlled in various ways: DNA transcription into mRNA can be regulated, as can the translation of mRNA into proteins, which are ultimately responsible for executing the response. Although previous studies have identified genes and specific transcript isoforms controlled by ABA, it remains unclear to what extent these ABA-regulated transcripts are translated into proteins. Increasing evidence and our preliminary data have shown that transcriptional and translational responses could be uncoupled or even opposite. Moreover, novel translated small open reading frames (sORFs) potentially involved in stress responses have been discovered in RNAs that are not thought to be translated into proteins. Built on our preliminary results, the candidate will study novel translational regulatory mechanisms and/or peptide signaling involved in ABA regulatory network. To learn more about the Hsu lab, visit


The ideal candidate should have a strong track record and extensive lab experience in plant molecular biology, genetics, biochemical and/or cell biology. Competitive salary commensurate with experience and skills, as well as a generous benefits package will be offered.


Registration Requirement

To apply, please send

1) Cover letter summarizing your research interests, career goals, motivation to join the Hsu lab & potential start date

2) CV

3) Contact information of three professional references to


國立臺灣大學植物科學研究所 National Taiwan University Institute of Plant Biology


地址: 10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段 1 號   臺大生命科學館 307 室

address: Room 307, Life Science Building, NTU. No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 10617

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