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中研院南部生物技術中心山田昌史實驗室徵才 (研究助理及博士後研究)

作家相片: ntuipbntuipb

The post-doc position in Biotechnology Center in Southern Taiwan (Tainan) is available to study the function of Root Meristem Growth Factor 1 (RGF1) peptide in root developmental zones and the molecular mechanism of root developmental zones to adapt to abiotic stress. The successful candidates will be actively participating in one or several of the following projects.

1.Investigation of the regulation mechanism of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the specific root developmental zones by RGF1 peptide.

2.Elucidation of the regulation mechanism of ROS and alternatively spliced isoforms during root adaptation to abiotic stress.

A candidate with transcriptome, metabolome, proteomics, and biochemistry backgrounds is desired for this position. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential, as well as good English speaking, reading, and writing skills. Additionally, the position involves lab maintenance and administration and product ordering.

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國立臺灣大學植物科學研究所 National Taiwan University Institute of Plant Biology


地址: 10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段 1 號   臺大生命科學館 307 室

address: Room 307, Life Science Building, NTU. No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 10617

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