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謝旭亮 教授

電話: (02) 3366-2540

專長: 植物分子生物、光敏素的訊息傳遞、分子遺傳
學歷: 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校博士
研究室: 生命科學館919室

電話: (02) 3366-2530 



利用 yeast two-hybrid 系統,以篩選阿拉伯芥 FIN219-interaction 的蛋白質
利用轉錄融合的方法,探討 FIN219 基因表現的調控機制
FIN219 在遠紅光、藍光訊息傳遞中的角色利用 activation tagging 的方法,篩選 FIN219 基因的修飾者


“光”不只是植物生長的主要能量來源,還是一個影響其生長與發育的重要環境因子。而植物幼苗生長階段,會同時受到光訊息及不同植物荷爾蒙的共同調控。我們實驗室主要著重在研究阿拉伯芥的光訊息傳遞,並試著去瞭解光與茉莉酸訊息在分子生物層次上如何共同協調而去影響幼苗的生長與發育。因此,我們藉由不同的方法去研究 FIN219 / JAR1 的功能,希望確定 FIN219 與 COP1 (為黑暗中光型態發生的抑制者) 之間的調控關係以及 FIN219 / JAR1 在光與茉莉酸訊息中所扮演的角色。目前,我們已經建立了阿拉伯芥在遠紅光反應中,FIN219 與 COP1 在調控下胚軸生長上的調控關係,如下圖所表示 :


FIN219 與 COP1 蛋白質結合及其在阿拉伯芥中可能的功能。上圖分別利用雙分子螢光蛋白質互補法 (上左圖) 與共同免疫沉澱法 (上右圖) 證明 FIN219 蛋白質可以與 COP1 蛋白質結合;下圖為阿拉伯芥幼苗反應光訊息時, FIN219 與 COP1 蛋白質結合而調控下胚軸延長的模式圖。


除了探討  FIN219 / JAR1  在光與茉莉酸訊息中所扮演的功能外,我們還研究不可見光,例如紅外線 (infrared light),在 3-5 μm的波長範圍下如何影響阿拉伯芥幼苗的生長與發育。實驗室之前的研究結果顯示,阿拉伯芥可以感應到紅外光,藉由光合作用機制去啟動一些訊息傳導而導致抑制下胚軸延長及增加生物重。最近,我們試著去瞭解紅外線對植物光合作用的影響,希望獲得更多有用的資訊及應用價值,能夠降低全球暖化,以及提供人類較好的生活。





  1. Jiang HW, Peng KC, Hsu TY, Chiou YC, Hsieh HL (2023) Arabidopsis FIN219/JAR1 interacts with phytochrome a under far-red light and jasmonates in regulating hypocotyl elongation via a functional demand manner. PLOS Genetics 19(5): e1010779.

  2. Kai-Chun Peng, Wei Siao and Hsu-Liang Hsieh* (2023) FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219 and phytochrome B corepress shade avoidance via modulating nuclear speckle formation. Plant Physiology. 00:1-17.

  3. Peng KC, Siao W, Hsieh HL* (2022) FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219/JAR1 and phytochrome B co-repress shade avoidance in Arabidopsis via modulating nuclear speckle formation. Plant Physiol (Accepted)

  4. Wang CC, Hsieh HY, Hsieh HL, Tu SL.* (2021) The Physcomitrella patens. chromatin adaptor PpMRG1 interacts with H3K36me3 and regulates light-responsive alternative splicing. Plant Physiol. 185:1229-1241. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiaa103.

  5. Shiah YJ*, Hsieh HL, Chen HJ, Radin DI. (2021) Effects of intentionally treated. water and seeds on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Explore (NY) 17:55-59. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2020.04.006.

  6. Jang GJ, Yang JY, Hsieh HL, Wu SH* (2019) Processing bodies control the selective translation for optimal development of Arabidopsis young seedlings. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA:

  7. He SL, Hsieh HL, Jauh GY* (2018) SMALL AUXIN UP RNA62/75 are required for the translation of transcripts essential for pollen tube growth. Plant Physiology, 178: 626-640; DOI:

  8. Huai-Ju Chen, Tsu-Yu Fu, Shao-Li Yang, Hsu-Liang Hsieh* (2018) FIN219/JAR1 and cryptochrome1 antagonize each other to modulate photomorphogenesis under blue light in Arabidopsis. PLOS Genetics March 21, 2018

  9. Shiah YJ*, Hsieh HL, Chen HJ, Radin DI. (2017) Effects of Intentionally Treated. Water on Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds with Cryptochrome Mutations. Explore (NY)13(6):371-378. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2017.05.001.

  10. Swain S, Jiang HW and Hsieh HL* (2017) FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219/JAR1 contributes to shade avoidance responses of Arabidopsis seedlings by modulating key shade signaling components. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1901.

  11. Chen CY, Ho SS, Kuo TY, Hsieh HL, and Cheng YS* (2017) Structural basis of jasmonate-amido synthetase FIN219 in complex with glutathione S-transferase FIP1 during the JA signal regulation. PNAS 114 (10): E1815-E1824.

  12. Leu KC, Hsieh MH, Wang HJ, Hsieh HL, Jauh GY* (2016) Distinct role of Arabidopsis mitochondrial P-type pentatricopeptide repeat protein-modulating editing protein, PPME, in nad1 RNA editing. RNA Biology 13: 593-604.

  13. Chen HJ, Chen CL, and Hsieh HL* (2015) Far-Red light-mediated seedling development in Arabidopsis involves FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219/ JASMONATE RESISTANT 1-dependent and -independent pathways.PLoS ONE 10 (7): e0132723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132723

  14. Lin LL, Hsu CL, Hu CW, Ko SY, Hsieh HL, Huang* HC and Juan HF* (2015) Integrating phosphoproteomics and bioinformatics to study brassinosteroid-regulated phosphorylation dynamics in Arabidopsis. BMC Genomics 16:533-549. DOI 10.1186/s12864-015-1753-4

  15. Hsu YW, Wang HJ, Hsieh MH, Hsieh HL and Jauh GY* (2014) Arabidopsis mTERF15 is required for mitochondrial nad2 intron 3 splicing and functional complex I activity. PLOS one 9: e112360. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112360.

  16. Hsieh HL and Okamoto* (2014) Molecular interaction of jasmonate and phytochrome A signaling. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 2847-2857. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru230

  17. Lin LL, Wu CC, Huang HC*, Chen HJ, Hsieh HL* and Juan HF* (2013) Identification of microRNA 395a in 24-epibrassinolide-regulated root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana using microRNA arrays. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 14: 14270-14286; doi:10.3390/ijms140714270.

  18. Liu XC, Chen CY, Wang KC, Luo M, Tai R, Yuan LY, Zhao ML, Yang SG, Tian G, Cui YH, Hsieh HL and Wu K* (2013) PIF3 associates with the histone deacetylase HDA15 in repression of chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthesis in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell 25: 1258-1273.

  19. Hsieh WP, Hsieh HL and Wu SH* (2012) Arabidopsis bZIP16 transcription factor integrates light and hormone signaling pathways to regulate early seedling development. Plant Cell 24: 3997-4011.

  20. Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL and Lin TP* (2012) Drought and salt stress tolerance of Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid. Plant Physiology 158: 340-351.

  21. Wang JG and Hsieh HL* (2012) Induction of tomato Jasmonate-Resistant 1-Like 1 gene expression can delay the colonization of Ralstonia solanacearum in transgenic tomato. Botanical Studies 53: 75-84.

  22. Wang JG, Chen CH, Chien CT and Hsieh HL* (2011) FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219?? modulates CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 activity via physical interaction to regulate hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 156: 631-646.

  23. Wu TH, Liao MH, Kuo WY, Huang CH, Hsieh HL and Jinn TL* (2011) Characterization of copper/zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in green bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii): Cloning, expression and regulation. Plant Physiol Biochem 49: 195-200. ?(1: equal contribution)


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