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李承叡 教授

電話: (02) 3366-2535
專長: 演化遺傳學、演化基因體學、數量性狀遺傳學、遺傳定位
學歷: 美國杜克大學博士

研究室: 生命科學館1129室





我們的研究使用許多跨領域的知識,整合了野外生態學,族群遺傳學,數量性狀遺傳學,分子生物學,基因體學, 及生物資訊學的知識及技術來回答有趣的生態演化問題。有興趣加入我們團隊的學生應該對演化學有高度的興趣。對上述某些領域有涉獵有加分,但不是絕對必須的。
舉例來說, 我們對這些問題很有興趣:

  1. 棲地適應會促進物種分化嗎?

  2. 為什麼會有遺傳多樣性存在? 是什麼維持遺傳多樣性?

  3. 什麼因素會影響遺傳多樣性的地理分佈?

  4. 為什麼基因體裡的某些位點會比其他區域有更多的多樣性?

  5. 控制性狀的基因體區塊/基因是哪些?

  6. 這些適應環境的性狀是被少數幾個基因控制(每個基因都對性狀具有重大影響),或是被很多基因控制(每個基因單獨對性狀只有微小的影響)?

  7. 這些適應特殊環境的對偶基因是怎麼來的? 是新突變還是族群中已有的遺傳多樣性? 





  1. N Fumia, R Nair, Y-P Lin, C-R Lee, H-W Chen, E Bishop-von-Wettberg, M Kantar, R Schafleitner*. 2023 Dec. Leveraging genomics and phenomics to accelerate improvement in mungbean: A case study in how to go from GWAS to selection. The Plant Phenome Journal doi:10.1002/ppj2.20088

  2. PS Chien, P-H Chen, C-R Lee*, T-J Chiou*. 2023 Sept. Transcriptome-wide association study coupled with eQTL analysis reveals the genetic connection between gene expression and flowering time in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 74(18):5653-5666

  3. Y-P Lin#, H-W Chen#, P-M Yeh, SS Anand, J Lin, J Li, T Noble, R Nair, R Schafleitner, M Samsonova, E Bishop-von-Wettberg, S Nuzhdin, CT Ting, RJ Lawn, C-R Lee*. 2023 Oct. Demographic history and distinct selection signatures of two domestication genes in mungbean. Plant Physiology 193(2):1197-1212

  4. ​Carley, L.N., Mojica, J.P., Wang, B., Chen, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-P., Prasad, K.V.S.K., Chan, E., Hsu, C.-W., Keith, R., Nuñez, C.L., Olson-Manning, C.F., Rushworth, C.A., Wagner, M.R., Wang, J., Yeh, P.-M., Reichelt, M., Ghattas, K., Gershenzon, J., Lee, C.-R.*, and Mitchell-Olds, T. (2021). Ecological factors influence balancing selection on leaf chemical profiles of a wildflower. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

  5. H. Matsumura, M.-C. Hsiao, Y.-P. Lin, A. Toyoda, N. Taniai, K. Tarora, N. Urasaki, S. S. Anand, N. P. S. Dhillon, R. Schafleitner, and C.-R. Lee*. Long-read bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) genome and the genomic architecture of nonclassic domestication.P.N.A.S. Jun 2020, 117 (25) 14543-14551; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1921016117.

  6. Lee, C-R, B Wang , JP Mojica, T Mandakova, KVSK Prasad, JL Goicoechea, N Perera, U Hellsten, HN Hundley, J Johnson, J Grimwood, K Barry, S Fairclough, JW Jenkins, Y Yu, D Kudrna, J Zhang, J Talag, W Golser, K Ghattas, ME Schranz, R Wing, MA Lysak, J Schmutz, DS Rokhsar and T Mitchell-Olds. 2017. Young inversion with multiple linked QTLs under selection in a hybrid zone. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 0119

  7. Lee, C-R, H Svardal, A Farlow, M Exposito-Alonso, W Ding, P Novikova, C Alonso-Blanco, D Weigel, and M Nordborg. 2017. On the post-glacial spread of human commensal Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 8: 14458

  8. The 1001 Genomes Consortium. 2016. 1135 genomes reveal the global pattern of polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell 166:481-491

  9. Lee, C-R, JT Anderson, and T Mitchell-Olds. 2014. Unifying genetic canalization, genetic constraint, and genotype-by-environment interaction: QTL by genomic background by environment interaction of flowering time in Boechera stricta. PLoS Genetics 10(10):e1004727

  10. Lee, C-R and T Mitchell-Olds. 2013. Complex trait divergence contributes to environmental niche differentiation in ecological speciation of Boechera stricta. Molecular Ecology 22(8):2204-2217 

  11. Lee, C-R and T Mitchell-Olds. 2012. Environmental adaptation contributes to gene polymorphism across the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(12):3721-3728 

  12. Prasad, K, B-H Song, C Olson-Manning, JT Anderson, C-R Lee, ME Schranz, AJ Windsor, MJ Clauss, AJ Manzaneda, I Naqvi, M Reichelt, J Gershenzon, SG Rupasinghe, MA Schuler, and T Mitchell-Olds. 2012. A gain-of-function polymorphism controlling complex traits and fitness in nature. Science 337:1081-1084

  13. Lee, C-R and T Mitchell-Olds. 2011. Quantifying effects of environmental and geographical factors on patterns of genetic differentiation. Molecular Ecology 20(22):4631- 4642



  • EEB7002專題研究

  • EEB5045族群遺傳學 (合授) 

國立臺灣大學植物科學研究所 National Taiwan University Institute of Plant Biology


地址: 10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段 1 號   臺大生命科學館 307 室

address: Room 307, Life Science Building, NTU. No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 10617

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